Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Pakistan Administered Jammu Kashmir popularly known as Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The peaceful protest was ongoing for at least a month against inflation and skyrocketing electric bills but on 29 September 2023, authorities used force to dismantle the protest camp provoking every small town and village or city, and people poured into the streets to protest. The hardship, and violence people on both sides of the divide have been facing for the last 75 years, are not their fault but the colonial lust of both Pakistan and India. The fact that people are demanding to end the forced division of their state so that they can choose their own representatives who can formulate and agree upon the future draft constitution for the state and after obtaining consent from China, India, and Pakistan the subject draft constitution to be put before people for the general vote to approve it. This is the only wayout to end the 75 years long war like situation in the region.

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