Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The US deployment of two aircraft carriers to the eastern Mediterranean and the planned deployment of 2,000 more troops to the Middle East are likely seen by Turkey as a threat. #PalestineIsraelWar #US #Turkey #Israel #Iran

President Rajab Tayyab Erdogan criticises the US Middle East policy pointing out that the US dispatched its warships to the Middle East. Moreover, he said the US kept bases in Syria and we both are partners in NATO but our aircraft was shot down by the US forces stationed in Syria. 

At this stage, it is difficult to say whether the US and Turkey are heading towards a military confrontation in the Middle East because the more likely still the US-Israel target is Iran. The two countries are NATO allies, but they have been at odds over a number of issues in recent years, including Syria, Libya, and the purchase of Russian S-400 missile defense systems by Turkey.

The US deployment of two aircraft carriers to the eastern Mediterranean and the planned deployment of 2,000 more troops to the Middle East are likely seen by Turkey as a threat. Turkey has also been conducting military exercises in the Mediterranean Sea with Libyan forces, which could be seen as a countermeasure to the US deployment.

It is important to note that both the US and Turkey have said that they do not want a war with each other. However, the tensions between the two countries are high, and there is a risk of a conflict breaking out if the situation is not carefully managed. I am afraid that such eventualities could move into uncharted territory.

The future of NATO is also uncertain. The alliance has been strained by the tensions between the US and Turkey, as well as by the war in Ukraine. There were street protests in European cities against NATO which indicate that NATO is becoming more of a warmongers tool rather than a security guarantee. However, NATO remains the most important security alliance in the world, and it is unlikely to collapse anytime soon. 

Here are some possible scenarios for the future: 

  • The US and Turkey managed to de-escalate the tensions between them. This could involve finding common ground on issues such as Syria and Libya and agreeing on a way to manage the S-400 issue.
  • The tensions between the US and Turkey escalate, leading to a conflict between the two countries. This would be a disaster for both sides, and it would also have a negative impact on NATO and the security of the entire region.
  • The US and Turkey remain at odds, but they manage to avoid a direct conflict. This could lead to a long-term period of tension and instability in the region.

It is too early to say which scenario is most likely. However, it is clear that the relationship between the US and Turkey is critical to the future of NATO and the security of the eastern Mediterranean region.

There are videos on 'X' (Twitter) that show miles-long queues of heavy military weapons going to load the ships for an unknown destination. Those who were making videos and witnessing the long queue of military hardware were of the opinion that they never ever in their life had seen such a thing.
Therefore such type of military movements at a time when the US already building up its forces in the Mediterranean Sea creates suspicion in observors minds about whether or not the US is preparing for a hot and bigger war!

It is important to note that these videos do not necessarily mean that war is imminent. However, they do show that the world's militaries are becoming increasingly powerful and sophisticated.

We hope that the world's leaders will be able to resolve their differences peacefully. However, it is important to be aware of the risks that we face and to be prepared for the possibility of conflict.

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