Sunday, October 8, 2023

It is too early to predict that Hamas's attack on Israel would play out in the interest of Palestine or to benefit its enemies. China-Saudi peace efforts torpedoed by Hamas. China's rise and the changing global order- Ben Norton

    The potential impact of China and Saudi Arabia's peace efforts in the Israel-Palestine, conflict is difficult to predict, it is clear that both countries have significant interests in the region and are motivated to play a role in resolving the conflicts. President of Palestine Mehmood Abbas and Syrian President Bashar Al-Asad's recent visit to China was raising hopes similar to the Iran-Saudi break-through, and more so in particular, China itself is eager to expand its influence in the Middle East and to position itself as a global leader in peacemaking.

    However, the recent attack by Hamas on Israel is a reminder that the obstacles to peace in the region are deep and enduring. Hamas is a sectarian indoctrinated extremist terrorist outfit that exploited the religious sentiments of the Gaza people to get elected in order to torpedo the two-state solution, helping Zionist extremists' agenda. Hamas as an organization and its stated position is committed to the destruction of Israel, which means no to the principle of coexistence, and its attack is likely to make it more difficult for the Israeli government to engage in peace talks.

    It is also important to note that China and Saudi Arabia have different perspectives on the Israel-Palestine conflict. China has traditionally supported the Palestinian cause, while Saudi Arabia has been part of the Palestinian cause from its origin but the extremist politics of Hamas force Sadui like Egyptians to rethink, and seen to be more engaging with the Israeli government in recent years to help Palestinian people. This difference in perspectives could make it difficult for the two countries to coordinate their efforts effectively.

    Overall, the potential impact of China and Saudi Arabia's peace efforts in the Israel-Palestine conflict is uncertain. However, the two countries have significant influence and interests in the region and are motivated to play a role in resolving the conflict. If they are able to overcome their differences and coordinate their efforts effectively, they could make a positive contribution to the peace process.

Here are some additional factors that could influence the future of China and Saudi Arabia's peace efforts:


  • The outcome of the upcoming Israeli elections: A right-wing victory could make it more difficult for the Israeli government to engage in peace talks.
  • The level of violence in the region: A further escalation of violence could derail any peace efforts.
  • The role of the United States: The US remains the most important player in the region, and its support will be essential for any successful peace process.

    It is also important to note that the views of some scholars that China is promoting peace in the world but the US policies are fueling conflicts and instabilities are controversial. There is no consensus on whether China is promoting peace in the world or whether US policies are the source of conflicts, instabilities, and wars but the overall picture indicates that China is a peace builder.

    Ultimately, the future of China and Saudi Arabia's peace efforts in the Israel-Palestine conflict will depend on a complex interplay of factors, including the domestic politics of the two countries, the situation on the ground in the region, and the role of the United States.

The US-Europe sponsored two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict failed for a number of reasons. Here are a few:
  • The two sides were unable to agree on a number of key issues, including borders, Jerusalem, refugees, and security.
  • There was a lack of trust between the two sides.
  • The US and Europe were unable to put enough pressure on the two sides to reach a compromise.
  • The rise of extremist groups on both sides made it more difficult to reach an agreement
Political Islam and its extremist form play out in the interests of those who believe that Islam should be the basis of all aspects of society, including government, law, and economics in otherwords they want to change the law of physics to follow the faith rather facts on ground. Extremist groups often use violence to achieve their goals and they bring death and destruction more to the Muslim masses and less to other. In netshall political Islam is an enemy of Muslims masses. 

Muslim extremists are bringing death and destruction to Muslims and others. For example, the Syrian Civil War has killed over 500,000 people, and the majority of the victims have been Muslims. The war has also displaced over 12 million people.

The rise of extremist groups is a complex issue with a variety of causes. Here are a few:
  • Economic inequality: Extremist groups often recruit from poor and marginalized communities. Though this don't fit in the history where the US has used Islam as a condom for its wars against soviet union. 
  • Political instability: Extremist groups often thrive in countries with weak governments and political instability and religious racist culture is prevailing.
  • Religious extremism: Extremist groups often use religion to justify their violence based on sectrain hate against anyone who disagree with them and they themselves are 100% condradicting the path even clearly stated in the Quranic text even though the holy text is dealing with its own time and space not today but if one buy their argument, they distort the holy text at massive scale of which  the evidence is dozens of sects, everyone have its own mosques and killing each others by declaring them infidals and this is widespread.
  • The rise of social media: Social media has made it easier for extremist groups to recruit and spread their ideology but if dig down then it appear that secret forces also supporting extremists forces. The one example is that after 20 years, Pakistan was supporting both Nato in Afghanistan and Taliban terrorists but NATO handover power to terrorists rather to a democratic government. 

It is important to note that the Muslims are not extremists, they are normal people like others but mosques and madrassas where mostly men goes are making them extremists. People don't know what is written in Quran but they listen to lectures at least on every friday from every mosque of the pulpit where Imam is fomenting hate against other religions, sects, women and liberablism using Quranic verses out of the context. The vast majority of the people of the Islamic faith are peaceful and law-abiding citizens. However, the rise of extremist groups is a serious threat to peace and security in the world.

It is also important to note that the motivations of extremist groups are often complex and multifaceted. It is difficult to say definitively whether they are primarily motivated by religious ideology, political grievances, or economic factors only. 

Here are some things that can be done to address the problem of extremism:

  • Promote economic development and opportunity: Economic inequality is a major factor in the rise of extremism. Promoting economic development and opportunity can help to reduce the number of people who are vulnerable to recruitment by extremist groups.
  • Support political stability: Extremist groups often thrive in countries with weak governments and political instability. Supporting political stability can help to reduce the appeal of extremist groups.
  • Promote religious tolerance: Extremist groups often use religion to justify their violence. Promoting religious tolerance can help to create a more inclusive society where people of all faiths can live together in peace.
  • Combat the spread of extremist ideology: Social media has made it easier for extremist groups to recruit and spread their ideology. It is important to combat the spread of extremist ideology online and to promote counter-narratives.
It is also important to remember that the fight against extremism is a long-term one. There is no quick fix. However, by taking the steps outlined above, we can make a difference in the fight against extremism and help to create a more peaceful and secure world.

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