Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year party been targeted by police as unislamic in Pakistan!!

In a New Year Party at a private venue, people are seen to be enjoying themselves and harming no one.  I wonder what police got to do and why they invaded people's privacy?  If there was any fight or someone was breaking the law!  Pakistani police proved incompetent to fight terrorists, criminals, rapists or those using official positions to charge bribes from innocent people even for the legitimate services, but instead they seen to be targeting private party!!!!

Interference into people's personal life is a serious violation of basic human rights. Public privacy is protected both by Pakistani law as well as International law. Those who want to go to mosques, churches, temples; those who want to go to clubs, cinemas, theatres, dance parties at private places - both are having equal rights. 

There has been a state patronising in Pakistan to promote mosque-culture, in spite of the fact that there is no culture in the mosque, but polemic and sectarian hatred. That is why Deobandi, Brailvey, Al-Hadees , Salfi and Tableegi mosques are growing out of all proportions.  The end result is, that some of these mosques, especially Salfi-deobandi had produced some “great -suicide bombers”, who had not only killed themselves but thousands of other innocent men, women and children. To the best of my knowledge, not a single suicide-bomber ever came from the ranks of those who had been using clubs, cinemas, theatres or dance parties as an alternative socialization venue.  

So, if the subject New Year party was organized by Muslim League (N), then we all must congratulate them. This is the only way forward to bring Pakistani society back to its original traditions; that is pluralism.  We all know that no society in the present time can develop without having a plural culture. Saudis can play around because they have oil as well as Haj and Umra as a strong tourist industry, but countries like Pakistan don't have such luxuries. Alternative venue for socialization is must because in substance and essence religious places have no socialization.

1 comment:

Adnan Qureshi said...

Hi! thats an amazing content writing. i appreciate you. But ney year part not in islam. Pakistani talk shows